60 | Lessons from Job, Day One: Trusting God's Sovereignty

Scripture Reading:
Job 1:6-12, Job 1:20-22

Key Verse:
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” — Job 1:21

Job was a man who had everything, but in an instant, he lost it all. His wealth, family, and health were taken away, but Job’s response was not one of immediate anger or resentment. Instead, he worshiped God, trusting His sovereignty. As introverted entrepreneurs, when we face hardships in our businesses—failed launches, low sales, or even external criticism—our first instinct can often be to retreat or feel defeated. But Job teaches us the importance of recognizing that God is still in control, even in times of loss or uncertainty.

Let's Take Action:

  1. How do you typically respond when things don’t go as planned in your business or life?
  2. What can Job’s response teach you about trusting God’s plan in-the-midst of setbacks?

Prayer Focus:
Ask God to help you trust His plans for your business and personal life, especially when things seem to be falling apart.

What's Next:

1. Free Personality Test

2. FREE 10-Minute Content Plan

3. JOIN a Like-Minded Community

4. HELP Starting An Online Business

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